ReBeLMove loadingdock

Part No.: RBTX-IGUS-0286

You can adapt the charging system of the ReBeLMove autonomous mobile robot to your requirements and choose from the following options:

  • Plug-in charger
  • Charging dock for automatic charging in stations or charging frames: A dock for automatic charging while driving into the station using floor contacts. It is suitable for mounting locations in transfer stations.
  • Charging station:for the charging dock: The solo frame enables the charging dock to be used without a profile station. Suitable for stable positioning of charging areas or for charging stations in work areas for charging the ReBeLMove when used in conjunction with a cart. The charging dock must be purchased separately.

Usual delivery time: 3 weeks

Output voltage
Input voltage


To the fitting robot

To the fitting robot

This product can only be used in combination with the mobile robot 'ReBeL Move'.

to the ReBeL Move

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