Winkelparallelgreifer GAP 20-030

Art.-Nr.: RBTX-SNK-0081

Flexibel. Produktiv. Schmal. Winkel-Parallelgreifer GAP 2-Finger-Winkel-Parallelgreifer für paralleles Außengreifen bei vorherigem Einschwenken der Greiferfinger bis 90° pro Backe.

Übliche Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen

Hub pro Backe
Max. Greifkraft


General information on the series

Gripping force

is the arithmetic sum of the individual forces acting on each jaw, at distance P (see drawing)

Finger length

is measured from the same reference surface as the distance P in the direction of the main axis. The maximum permissible finger length applies until the nominal operating pressure is reached. At higher pressures, the finger length must be reduced in proportion to the nominal operating pressure.

Repeatability is defined as the dispersion of the end position in 100 consecutive strokes.

Workpiece weight

is calculated for a frictional connection with a static coefficient of friction of 0.1 and a safety factor of 2 against slipping of the workpiece under acceleration due to gravity. With positive locking, the permissible workpiece weights are considerably higher.

Closing and opening times

are pure movement times of the base jaws or fingers. Valve switching times, hose filling times or PLC reaction times are not included and must be taken into account when determining cycle times.

Operating principle

Forced-guided toggle kinematics

Housing material

Aluminium alloy, anodised

Base jaw material


Pneumatic, via filtered compressed air according to ISO 8573-1:2010 [7:4:4]. Scope of delivery

Centring sleeves, O-rings for direct connection, installation instructions (operating instructions with installation declaration available online)

Gripping force retention

Possible via variant with mechanical gripping force retention or SDV-P pressure maintenance valve

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