piezobrush® PZ3-i Kaltplasmagerät zur Verbesserung der Haftung von Tinte, Klebstoff uvm.

Art.-Nr.: RBTX-RELYON-0001

Kompakte Plasmaintegration als Industriestandard der Zukunft
Der piezobrush® PZ3-i ist speziell für die Integration in neue und bestehende Fertigungsanlagen entwickelt worden. Er ermöglicht eine intuitive Bedienung, eine umfassende Prozesskontrolle bei automatisierten Produktionsabläufen und ist kompakt, sicher sowie effizient konzipiert. Bei einer maximalen Leistungsaufnahme von 18 W wird mithilfe der Piezoelectric Direct Discharge (PDD®) Technologie hocheffizientes kaltes Plasma erzeugt.


  • Inkjet-, Kennzeichnungs- und Tampondruck
  • Klebeprozesse mit Epoxid, Polyurethan, Cyanacrylate etc.
  • Verguss- und Dosiertechnik
  • Füge- und Montagetechnik
  • Labor- und Medizintechnik
  • Verpackungstechnik
  • Mikrobiologie, Mikrofluid- und Lebensmitteltechnik
  • Übliche Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen

    40x 57x71
    Elektrischer Anschluss
    24 V DC
    90 m²/kWh



    Possible use cases

    • Activation of surfaces of a wide variety of base materials

    • Optimization of bonding, printing and lamination processes

    • Surface treatment of plastics, glasses, ceramics, metals, composites and natural materials

    • Selective improvement of the wettability of a wide variety of surfaces

    • Fine cleaning of surfaces

    • Alternative to chemical primers, flame treatment processes and mechanical roughening


    Use of the piezobrush® PZ3-i

    The piezobrush® PZ3-i can be easily integrated into new and existing production lines. The typical treatment speed varies depending on the application. For finest cleaning, a treatment speed of 1 - 15 mm/s is possible, for gluing processes of 10 - 150 mm/s and for printing processes of 10 - 150 mm/s. Different surfaces have to be activated with the appropriate acessories, the choice depending on on the electrical conductivity of the component to be treated. While the Module Standard is ideally suited for the surface treatment of non-conductive substrates such as plastics, ceramics or glasses, the Module Nearfield was designed for the treatment of electrically conductive materials such as metals, CFRP, indium tin oxide (ITO) or conductive plastics.


    Modular design

    With an average treatment width of 5 - 29 mm (CDA), the compact piezobrush® PZ3-i is very well suited for the pretreatment of adhesive grooves or for marking printing on low-energy materials. However, with other process gases such as nitrogen, treatment widths of up to 50 mm are possible. For many applications, even larger treatment widths are required. This is where the modular design of the piezobrush ® PZ3-i comes into play: It is very easy to string together the individual units at any time, so that larger treatment widths can be achieved. This enables flexible use of the device in a wide variety of industries and fields of application. Optimale adhesion results can be achieved with little effort.

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