
Varianten: Basisschulung

Art.-Nr.: RBTX-TRAIN-0010

Im Rahmen des Trainings haben Sie die Möglichkeit, an einem igus Roboter grundlegenden Fähigkeiten zur Programmierung und tiefergreifendes Wissen zu erwerben. Unter der Anleitung unserer Trainer/-innen lernen Sie an realitätsnah ausgestatteten Schulungszellen. In unserem Training werden Sie den Roboter mehrmals programmieren und dabei gängige Applikationen mit der Einbindung von Förderbändern, Sensoren und Greifer umsetzen.

Plätze für bis zu 10 Personen
Preis pro Person

Übliche Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen


Course description

After completing our basic training course, the 1-day training course offers you the opportunity to deepen the knowledge you have learnt on a real igus robot and to acquire the basic programming skills. Under the guidance of our trainers, you will learn how to programme various applications in realistically equipped training cells. In our training course, you will programme the robot several times and implement common applications with the integration of conveyor belts, sensors and grippers. This is the right training for you if you want to learn how to program an igus robot in a practical way and realise the most frequently used applications after the igus Academy. It is also useful for those who want to experiment with the robot's capabilities in order to evaluate its possible applications in their own production processes.

Important lessons learned from this course

  • Basic understanding of the software interface

  • Creating a pick & place application

  • Setting up the security settings

  • Optimisation of programs/applications

  • Autostart of programmes

  • Influencing the programme sequence (If queries)

  • Using and configuring the palletising wizard

  • Creating process applications with operator selection

  • Flexible new set-up (programming relative to a coordinate system)

  • Overview of the available online resources

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