Mech-Viz, Intelligente Roboter Steuerungs- und Programmierumgebung
Mit Mech-Viz lassen sich herstellerunabhängig alle gängigen Roboter visuell und codefrei programmieren. Das All-in-One System von Mech-Mind Robotics erkennt das Objekt und berechnet KI-gestützt den schnellsten Bewegungsablauf des Roboters. Mech-Viz generiert dabei kollisionsfreie Bahnen zum gewünschten Objekt. Jede Variation des Greifpunkts wird dabei auf Zusammenstöße geprüft.
Doch noch mehr: Mit Mech-Viz können Sie ihre Anwendung vorab in einer 3D-Visualisierung simulieren und damit vor Inbetriebnahme optimieren. Viele Robotermarken sind bereits als 3D-Modell in Mech-Viz hinterlegt.
Smart. Code-free. AI Based
In just a few clicks to 3D simulation of the entire motion sequence: With Mech-Viz, Mech-Mind Robotics provides the latest generation of a fully visualized programming environment for robots. The best thing: No line of code is required to program your individual application-- everything is controlled via the graphical user interface.
Intelligent algorithms such as path planning, collision detection and grasp planning are firmly integrated. And like all components of the Mech-Mind Robotics systems, Mech-Viz also supports all common robot brands.
Plug & Play
With our 3D Vision Bundles, you get everything you need to directly expand your robot application. Connect your robot controller to the Vision IPC, connect the smart Mech-Eye 3D camera to the IPC and start the calibration. With Mech-Vision and Mech-Viz pre-installed, you can immediately create your first robot controller.
Intelligent algorithms
Mech-Viz autonomously takes care of intelligent path planning and generates collision-free movements to the desired gripping point. Numerous tools such as the Pallet Editor help with typical palletising tasks - as well as in all other application areas.
Mech-Viz already supports all common robot types and thus offers uniform control for different manufacturer types. If your model is not yet supported, Mech-Mind Robotics will usually realise a system integration for you within a few days.