Vibrotec - Zuführtopf | 4 Baugrößen

Varianten: Baugröße 300

Art.-Nr.: RBTX-VIBRO-0002

Der Wendelförderer dient der lagerichtigen und schonenden Zuführung von ausgewählten Bauteilen mittels Vibration.

Der Aufbau besteht aus 2 Komponenten (Sortiertopf und Antrieb). Es sind 3 verschiedene Formen möglich: V-ZT, V-ST und V-KT (Zylinder, Stufen, Konisch).

Standardmäßig beträgt der Topfdurchmesser 200–600 mm, und die verfügbaren Topfgrößen sind 200 mm, 300 mm, 450 mm und 600 mm.

Die Wendelbreite kann auf das Werkstück angepasst werden.

Der Wendelförderer ist mit einer Vulkollan-Beschichtung ausgestattet, die den Teilen Schutz bietet und den Verschleiß des Fördertopfes minimiert.

Übliche Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen


Scope of delivery

Each size includes:

  • 1x Electromagnetic drive unit (vibratory drive)
    • Pot 200: Ø200 - 230V 50Hz

    • Pot 300: Ø300 - 230V 50Hz

    • Pot 450: Ø450 - 230V 50Hz

    • Pot 600: Ø600 - 230V 50Hz

  • 1x Feeder pot (TN, cylindrical pot)
    • Ø 200 with an outer diameter of approximately 250 mm (stainless steel)

    • Ø 300 with an outer diameter of approximately 350 mm (stainless steel)

    • Ø 450 with an outer diameter of approximately 500 mm (stainless steel)

    • Ø 600 with an outer diameter of approximately 650 mm (stainless steel)

    • Brushed and sandblasted finish

    • Coated running surfaces; the specific coating material needs to be determined through testing

    • Single-lane discharge overflow in the sorting device

    • Rotation direction: U / GU

    • No dirt bore

    • No mechanical overflow; the vibratory conveyor is shut off during blockage

  • 1x Control unit (g) for helical conveyor drive
    • Electric control unit

    • 230V fixed frequency (25 or 50 Hz)

    • 1x Sensor input for blockage shutdown

    • Shutdown via potential-free contact is possible.


The pots can be customized for various applications and locations upon request:

  • Special sizes available upon request (minimum 150 mm; maximum > 600 mm).

  • The outlet can be single or multi-lane.

  • The coating material can be adjusted based on the parts being sorted.

  • This is determined through product testing.

Optional accessories

  • The feed hoppers; feed belts; singulation stations; alignment stations;

  • assembly / accessories (e.g., complete assembly on aluminum plate; base frame made of aluminum profiles or welded steel construction; sound insulation; base frame; as well as simple or height-adjustable fill level indicators).

  • All the aforementioned additions or customizations, such as product-specific outlets and correct sorting, are not included in the scope of delivery and may need to be requested.

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