ReBeL Cobot inkl. siebter Achse | 500-3000 mm Hub | igus Robot Control Version

Varianten: 1000 mm

Art.-Nr.: RBTX-IGUS-0238

Das Komplettpaket

bestehend aus:

  • Roboter (ReBeL 4,5 oder 6DOF)
  • 7.Achse Steuerbox (inklusive digitaler Ein- & Ausgangserweiterung auf 14DIN + 14DOUT)
  • Leitungsset
  • Linearachse ZLW-20200, inkl. Motor
  • Energiekette inkl. Halterung

Übliche Lieferzeit: 3 Wochen

Max. Reichweite
Max Payload


The 7th axis bundle for the igus ReBeL!

Expand the workspace of your ReBeL in no time. With our individually and flexibly usable 7th axis, you can increase the operating radius of your ReBeL up to 5800mm! (according to technical design) Whether overhead or horizontal, both are possible thanks to our drylin® toothed belt axis ZLW-20200, with a long service life and no maintenance. Thanks to our tribologically optimized plastics, no additional lubrication is necessary.


The new control box makes it possible to control the 7th axis directly via the igus Robot Control as an external axis. Thanks to the direct connection to the CAN bus, you receive a ready-to-connect solution with which you can move the 7th axis within a very short time. Simultaneous movement of the 7th axis and the robot in unlimited positions is also possible thanks to direct control via the igus Robot Control. You can download the software for free here: igus® Robot Control software.

Application areas

Typical applications of our 7th axes for the ReBeL are:

  • Pick & Place applications

  • Quality controls or barcode checks on large components

  • Processing multiple workstations

  • Process larger components that are outside the normal robot workspace

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